what is the difference between bdc and lsmw ?
Have you set up a back ground jb ? How to create a background job without a variant ?
Open datasets, Read datasets ( Reading and writing data to files)
Data conversion experience from Excel to ABAP - Is batch mode possible ?
How to read files and process BDCs automatically
Difference between /N and /BEND
BDC vs Direct Loads( have you used direct loads on SAP tables )
What kind of BDC programs are written ?
What is the difference between Upload and WS_Upload ?
Recording Function
Update types in Call transaction method. What is the difference ?
SM35 transaction . How to automate BDC ?
Call transaction method, how to capture the errors ?
How to load data from MS Excel sheet to SAP by using BDC method ?
How to do back ground processing in BDC Session method ?
If i want to excute a program only in background not in forground is there any option for this?
what are the table controls in BDC ? what is the difference between bdc and lsmw ? what is the difference between bdc and rfc ?
What is the difference between call transaction and session method?